List Category: On Rental

List Title Size

10,000,000 Viguerie Superfile 10,000,000 2024 Stand With Trump Catholic Donors 45,630 21st Century Conservative Donors 511,837 60 Plus Association 186,444 60 Plus Association Sweepstakes Donors 29,971 American Civil Rights Union 5,090 American Energy Alliance (AEA) 16,059 American Patriots to Stop Radical Islam 233,619 Americans For Christian Values in Government 36,366 Americans For Constitutional Liberty Sweepstakes 8,926 Americans for Term Limits 25,000 Americans to Stop Radical Islam 24,226 Americans United For Life – AMLC 17,929 Ann Children’s Fund Sweepstakes Donors 36,083 Black Tie Conservatives 44,943 Catholic Vote 23,919 Center for Security Policy Donors 16,413 Christian Seniors Association 247,306 Christians Protecting Religious Freedom 201,421 Citizens Against Illegal Immigration 237,380 Citizens Behind the Badge 107,010 Citizens Behind the Badge Sweepstakes 62,040 Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes – ATA 63,393 Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes 22,210 Committee for Justice 9,017 Committees Defending America 18,661 Conservative Americans for Freedom 18,019 E-List 110,091 Conservatives Against Critical Race Theory 25,974 Donors That Support President Trump And His Conservative Agenda 284,452 FedUP PAC E-List 107,889 Fidelis Center for Law and Policy 11,428 Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness Donors 30,465 Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness Sweepstakes Donors 45,394 Law Enforcement Action Network 69,624 Liberty Guard 69,232 Moms for America Sweepstakes Donors 15,731 Paws Of Honor Sweepstakes Donors 49,202 Priests for Life 17,435 Response Action Network E-List 134,489 Right Wing Conservative Multi Donors 22,114 Save American Sovereignty Donors 237,380 Secure Freedom 36,037 Seniors Alliance Donors 26,374 Seniors Protecting America’s Values 177,631 Seniors United to Protect Social Security 327,482 Seniors who Support Patriotic Causes 511,363 Students for Life 40,912 Tax and Economic Freedom Donors 14,280 The Conservative Caucus 202,964 Trump Lovers Viguerie Superfile 836,840 United States Deputy Sheriff’s Association 215,614 United States Deputy Sheriff’s Sweepstakes Donors 79,728 Veterans in Defense of Liberty 18,415 Veterans In Defense of Liberty Sweepstakes Donors 10,003 Viguerie Best (Charitable) 615,340 Viguerie Best (Political) 502,574 Viguerie Best Consumers 252,309 Viguerie Best Sweepstakes Donors 194,904 Viguerie Catholic Superfile 1,448,316 Viguerie Evangelical Christian Donors 191,835 Viguerie Evangelical Superfile 1,399,718 Viguerie Fundraising Superfile 1,313,563 Viguerie Hotline Conservative Multis 236,835 Viguerie Powerhouse Conservative and GOP Donors 737,859 Viguerie Pro-Life Superfile 690,492 Viguerie Unbeatable Donors Masterfile 300,000 Viguerie’s Statewide Campaign Donor Superfile 3,188,960