Viguerie Best Consumers

65,513$5+ 1 Month Hotline$80/M
132,070$5+ 3 Month Hotline$70/M
191,537$5+ 0-6 Month Donors$65/M
256,560$5+ 0-12 Month Donors$60/M
224,734$10+ 0-12 Month Donors$65/M
84,911$25+ 0-12 Month Donors$75/M

Mature consumers with disposable income who seek a variety of products, services, and publications.

Mailers such as health publications, specialty food catalogs, product offers, news magazines, and insurance offers regularly continue on the list.

These informed citizens keep abreast of current events and are interested in enjoying and preserving the important things in life such as health, happiness, and well being.

This unique group of senior men and women is repeatedly responsive to all types of direct mail offers!

Source 100% Direct Mail
Sample Mailing piece required for approval
Date July 2024
Minimum 5,000
Net Name PolicyComputer Verification Required
25,000-99,99980% Min. +$10/M R/C
100,000-299,99965% Min. +$10/M R/C
300,000 or more50% Min. +$10/M R/C

Cancellation charges: $50.00 Flat Fee, $10/M Running Charges, Select Charges and email Fee.

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