Seniors who Support Patriotic Causes

247,877Age 65+ Last 6 Month Donors$70/M
368,229Age 65+ Last 12 Month Donors$65/M
511,363Age 65+ Last 24 Month Donors$60/M

Active Donors Age 50+

Over $20 Average Gift

Over 60% Multi-Donors

Active Donors age 50+ who have donated $5 or more to a veterans, law enforcement, and/or service dog charitable organization.

Seniors, available by year of birth, as selected from The Viguerie Masterfile.

One of the largest and most comprehensive active fundraising lists of seniors available on the market today.

A must test for any patriotic or conservative organization. Mailers such as senior citizen and Medical Research fundraisers can now target by exact age. This is also a prime audience for insurance, travel, and medical aid offers, as well as charitable appeals of all types.

Source 100% Direct Mail
Sample Mailing piece required for approval
Date January 2025
Minimum 5,000
Exact Age$5/M
Net Name PolicyComputer Verification Required
25,000-99,99980% Min. +$10/M R/C
100,000-299,99965% Min. +$10/M R/C
300,000 or more50% Min. +$10/M R/C

Cancellation charges: $50.00 Flat Fee, $10/M Running Charges, Select Charges and email Fee.

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