Americans to Stop Radical Islam

19,945$5+ L12 Month Donors$110/M
21,812$10+ L18 Month Donors$115/M
25,227$5+ L24 Month Donors$105/M

Generous conservative donors that are alarmed by the threat radical Islam poses to America!

“Americans to Stop Radical Islam” was the very first list ever built of Christian and Conservative donors united against Sharia Law and radical Islamists who want to destroy America as we know it. But they understand that Islamists are at war against us today just as much as they were 10 years ago.

These direct mail donors have donated to American security, Christian, Anti-Immigration/sovereignty, Freedom, Liberty, and Conservative Law and Order causes and organizations.

Candidates and campaigns seeking engaged and generous Christian Conservative support should also give this list a try.

Source 100% Direct Mail Donors
Sample Mailing piece required for approval
Date October 2024
Minimum 5,000
Net Name PolicyComputer Verification Required
25,000-99,99980% Min. +$10/M R/C
100,000-299,99960% Min. +$10/M R/C
300,000 or more50% Min. +$10/M R/C

Cancellation charges: $50.00 Flat Fee, $10/M Running Charges, Select Charges and email Fee.

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For details on how to order, use the form below or call Yvonne Gunn at (571) 292-5806.