Viguerie Superfile Conservative Senior Mail Order Buyers

252,805$10+ L12 Month Buyers$70/M
333,296$10+ L24 Month Buyers$65/M

100% Multi-Donors

Database Enhanced

These donors have not only given recent gifts to a Conservative, charitable or Christian non-profit organization but also purchase through the mail. They are known product mail order catalog shoppers.

Clothing, food, dietary supplements, these seniors are purchasing products.

They have given to conservative issues such as balanced budget, lower taxes, free enterprise, downsizing government, traditional values, senior citizen rights, immigration and much needed assistance for our nation’s law enforcement and veterans.

Great test for any health product, food catalog, magazine, or senior’s product distributor.

Source 100% Direct Mail Donors
Sample Mailing piece required for approval
Date January 2025
Minimum 5,000
Net Name PolicyComputer Verification Required
25,000-99,99980% Min. +$10/M R/C
100,000-299,99965% Min. +$10/M R/C
300,000 or more50% Min. +$10/M R/C

Cancellation charges: $50 Flat Fee, $10/M Running Charges, Select Charges and Email Fee.

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For details on how to order, use the form below or call Yvonne Gunn at (571) 292-5806.